4 May, 2014
Dear Dharma Friends:
We know how excited you all are about the upcoming Phowa Retreat with Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche. People all over the country (and in some foreign lands) have let us know they are reciting their 600,000 Amitabha mantras in order to fulfill the prerequisites for the Phowa Retreat.
People have tried to register, but we're not quite ready for that just now. In fact, part of the reason we haven't been in touch is because the dates of the retreat have changed, and we wanted to have all the details in place before letting you know.
The NEW dates for the KTD Phowa Retreat are Friday Oct. 10 through Wednesday Oct. 15, 2014.
The event will begin at 7 p.m. Friday Oct. 10 and conclude at 5 p.m. Wednesday Oct. 15.
Registration is not yet open for this event.
Interest is high, and we know many people want to come for the instruction. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Students must register for and attend all six days of the event - this is Khenpo Rinpoche's requirement.
Bed space for Phowa Retreatants at KTD will be limited, and, at Khenpo Rinpoche's specific request, registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration for the Phowa Retreat will be ONLINE ONLY; no phone or email registration will be used. So if you do not have internet access, find a friend who can make your registration for you when the registration announcement is sent.
A meal plan will be offered for those who stay off-campus at local hotels. This also will be offered via online Registration.
We are still working on the online registration system, so it may be a few more days before online registration opens. So watch your email daily for the announcement and registration link.
Why the date change?
We know some people will be disappointed by the date change, and we are sorry for any difficulties and inconveniences this may have caused. But KTD recently learned that the dharma master Ringu Tulku has agreed to teach at KTD for the very first time this autumn, and Ringu Tulku's only free weekend was - you guessed it - the Phowa Retreat weekend.
So we consulted Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche and changed the dates. Hopefully, the new dates will fit into everyone's schedule.
Added Instructor! Those coming to the retreat will receive additional blessings. Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, in an effort to make the Phowa Retreat the best practice and learning experience possible, has invited Lama Tashi Dondup of the Karma Tekchen Zabsal Ling Center near Toronto, Canada to assist with our retreat.
Lama Tashi is a well-versed in Phowa and has taught the practice to many students, both in and out of retreat. He also will be bringing with him a specially prepared practice text that we will use in the practice. Those who remember Lama Tashi from the White Tara retreat at KTD in 2013 know he is a conscientious and knowledgable master.
Pre-Requisite Report
Many have asked about the Phowa Retreat pre-requisites.
Here's the list again:
To qualify for this special event, Khenpo Rinpoche has set particular requirements.
To qualify for the Phowa Retreat, students must:
1. Receive the Amitabha Empowerment
2. Receive the Reading Transmission of either the Short or Long Amitabha sadhana
3. Recite 600,000 of the 6-syllable Amitabha mantra: OM AMI DEWA HRI.
Note: The Amitabha Empowerment is required before attending the Phowa retreat, but is not required before accumulating the mantras. Only the Reading Transmission is necessary before beginning the accumulation of the 600,000 Amitabha mantras.
Amitabha Empowerment Announced!
Those needing the Amitabha empowerment can receive it from any qualified lama,
but there are some Empowerments coming up we wanted to let you know about:
Lama Karma Drodhul will be giving the Amitabha Empowerment on Saturday July 19 at the Karma Thegsum Choling Center in Columbus Ohio. Time to be announced.To get on the Columbus KTC mailing list to receive future notice about this event, please contactinfo@columbusktc.org
Lama Karma Drodhul also will be giving the Amitabha Empowerment in Gainesville, FL during his visit to the Karma Thegsum Choling center there July 25-27. For details, contact: lama@ktcgainesville.org
Mantra Practice Details
Regarding the practice of accumulating 600,000 Amitabha mantras, Khenpo Rinpoche has said that it would be best to recite the OM AMI DEWA HRI mantra within the practice of at least the short Amitabha sadhana.
Khenpo Rinpoche says it is permissible for students to accumulate mantras by beginning their recitation of the Amitabha Sadhana in the morning, accumulating mantras throughout the day, and then completing the recitation of the Sadhana in the evening.
A copy of the Short Amitabha Sadhana is attached for your convenience.
If students do not live near a lama or dharma center, Khenpo Rinpoche advises them to travel to receive the Empowerment and/or Reading Transmission.
Thanks to everyone for their continued patience, compassion and understanding. We feel we have an historic event in the making here, and appreciate your adding your energy to the mix. Even if you cannot make this retreat, please hold a mind of aspiration to attend in the future, and make prayers for the benefit of yourself and all sentient beings.
Karmapa Chenno! May all beings benefit!
Your Dharma Family at KTD |
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