jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

Science, Spirituality and Education

FPMT Home Page
Warm season's greetings to you -
With our best wishes for peace, happiness and joyous compassionate living through 2011 and beyond, and may all the holy wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche be fulfilled perfectly without delay.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche wears the Order of the Polar Star, Mongolia’s highest honour for foreigners, which the President of Mongolia awarded to Rinpoche in October this year.
Photographer Ven Roger Kunsang.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche's prayers are with each of us as always.

We also send our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has served the FPMT in the past year - you make a difference!
With love and prayers from all of us
at FPMT International Office

miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

Nuevo Centro Rigpa para el Cuidado Espiritual en Alemania

Nuevo Centro Rigpa para el Cuidado Espiritual en Alemania

Tras más de un año de cuidadosa y exhaustiva búsqueda, Rigpa ha encontrado el lugar perfecto para su nuevo centro para el cuidado espiritual en Alemania, y ha adquirido los terrenos. Situados a unos 70 km al sureste de Berlín, en la antigua ciudad-spa de Bad Saarow, los terrenos están junto al mayor lago de la región, el Scharmützelsee, con hermosas vistas sobre las aguas.

Además de la belleza natural de su emplazamiento junto al lago, la sensación de paz y estimuladora energía positiva crean el emplazamiento ideal para un centro de acompañamiento espiritual. Además, Bad Saarow tiene excelentes conexiones de transporte con Berlín y una infraestructura de servicios médicos bien desarrollada.
El lugar fue visitado por Su Santidad Sakya Trizin (sentado, 3º por la izquierda) y
Orgyen Tobgyal Rimpoché (sentado, en el centro), ambos recitaron oraciones allí.
El solar cubre un área aproximada de 8,000 metros cuadrados, una extensión suficiente para el proyecto.  Existe un gran edificio en desuso en el lugar que necesitará ser demolido antes de que comiencen las futuras obras.
En enero de 2011, comenzará el proceso de entrevista y selección de arquitectos para el nuevo Centro.
Los terrenos han sido adquiridos por la recientemente constituida Fundación Tertön Sogyal de Alemania, que es actualmente responsable del proyecto.
Para más información, o para apoyar el proyecto en cualquier manera, por favor contacta al equipo del proyecto en Alemania en:
info@tertoen-sogyal-stiftung.de o por telefono en el : +49 (0) 30 23 25 50 27.

Ya lo sabiamos hace muchos meses

Un documento filtrado por el portal Wikileaks asegura que China paga "a las autoridades nepalíes" para que arresten a tibetanos, lo que ha provocado una reducción de los peregrinos que viajan a la ciudad donde se encuentra exiliado el Dalai Lama, según un reporte conocido hoy.

El cable cita a una fuente no identificada de la embajada estadounidense en Nueva Delhi que afirma que el gobierno chino paga a los nepaleses por actuar contra los tibetanos.

"El gobierno chino recompensa (a las autoridades nepalíes) proveyendo incentivos financieros a los funcionarios que entreguen a los tibetanos que intentan salir de China", según las declaraciones de una fuente no identificada en un encuentro en Nueva Delhi el 22 de febrero de 2010.

El documento revela que entre 2.500 y 3.500 refugiados tibetanos llegaban a la localidad india de Dharamsala cada año. La mayoría regresa a Tibet tras haber tenido una audiencia con el Dalai Lama, el líder espiritual tibetano que vive en el exilio en India.

Según la información filtrada por Wikileaks, el número de tibetanos que viajó a India a través de Nepal se redujo de forma significativa tras las protestas de marzo de 2008 en Tibet, y sólo llegaron al centro de recepción de Dharamsala unos 650 tibetanos entre abril de 2008 y marzo de 2009.

"Pekín pidió a Kathmandú que aumente las patrullas en la frontera nepalesa y dificulte a los tibetanos entrar en Nepal", según el documento.

Unos 20.000 tibetanos viven en el exilio en Nepal, país que ha sido criticado por la ONU por su forma de tratar a los refugiados. Según un convenio bautizado como "acuerdo de caballeros", Nepal debe autorizar a los tibetanos sin documentos a cruzar la frontera con India.

Nepal, que apoya la política de "una sola China" que incluye a Tibet, ha acallado numerosas protestas contra Pekín en Kathmandú.



martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

2011 año tibetano 2138 Liebre de Metal


Para el 2011, año de la liebre de metal habrá mucha abundancia y reproducción; su color de la suerte podría ser el agua, el dorado y el plateado, así como el blanco; la fragancia a usar, el pachulí o alguna donde el almizcle sea el protagonista.Se sugiere mucho vino blanco y pescado.Decore sus espacios con narcisos y jacintos; si gusta de las gemas, es el año del aguamarina y el número de la suerte es el 4.La luna, será la reina.Use muchos objetos metálicos en general.
Como después de la zozobra siempre viene la calma, luego de un turbulento 2010 se espera que el 2011 sea relativamente pacífico (o al menos con muchas voluntades juntas trabajando en aras de la paz; aunque los disgustos y ofensas propinadas durante este 2011 sean difíciles de olvidar y muchas veces la paz deba ser impuesta a la fuerza) y pródigo en creaciones artísticas y de moda.
Siendo el conejo difícil de domesticar, uno supondría que aunque no será un año fácil, con obcecación, disciplina y discreción, se obtendrán nuestros propósitos.
A los ovejas , perro y jabalí les irá muy bien en este año.No así a los demás signos. Nada que ver con los tigre ni con los caballo. Con los otros signos zodiacales chinos se podrá manejar y tolerar, con mucha astucia y visión.
Los problemas digestivos e intestinales, así como todos aquellos derivados de la contaminación y el ruido excesivo serán las enfermedades que más tratarán de cebarse en la población.Cuide su alimentación y plan de ejercicios; seguramente logrará ser longevo si lo hace.
Si bien es un año de mucha sensualidad, cuídese del libertinaje y de las perversiones que lo tientan.
En general no es un buen año para emprender relaciones sentimentales de largo plazo (sin embargo recuerde que usted es un destino y siendo su propio director de orquesta, puede tocar la partitura que desee, cuando así lo quiera). A nivel espiritual no es un buen año, pues la tendencia es marcadamente materialista.
Evite o controle el estrés y desarrollará una vida más plena.
Abril del 2011 puede ser un buen mes de acuerdo con el calendario chino y su perspicacia, lo mismo que julio; agosto puede ser productivo; septiembre, el mes ideal; octubre, mucha estabilidad.

2011 liebre de metal; un año de retos y de grandes logros.

Festividades Budistas año 2138 Liebre de Metal

Calendario de días budistas - 2011
2  Aniversario de Daisaku Ikeda
4  Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
14 Día de Gurú Rimpoche
19 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos
28 Día de Dakinis
3  Luna nova. Año nuevo vietnamita
8  Año Nuevo (theravada)
13 Día de Gurú Rimpoché
15 Paranirvana de Buda
18 Luna Llena. Magha Puja: Día del Dharma (theravada)
16 Aniversario de Nichiren Daishonin
27 Día de Dakinis
4  Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
5  Losar. Año nuevo tibetano
15 Día de Gurú Rimpoché
19 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos/ Chotrul Düchen. Día de los milagros de Buda
29 Días de Dakinis
3  Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
13 Día de Gurú Rimpoché
18 Luna llena. Día de preceptos/Año Nuevo theravada 2555
28 Conmemoración de la proclamación de la Ley (Nichiren)
27 Día de Dakinis
8 Aniversario de Kalu Rimpoché
3 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
13 Día de Gurú Rimpoché
17 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos. Despertar y paranirvana de Buda: Saka Dawa (tibetana); Vesak (theravada)
27 Día de Dakinis
1 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
8 Nacimiento de Buda
11 Día de Gurú Rimpoché
15 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos. Poson (theravada). Arribada del budismo a Sri Lanka. 25è aniversario  del 17è Karmapa (mahayana tibetana) Saga Dawa Düchen
26 Día de Dakinis
1  Luna nueva. Día de preceptos.
10 Día de Gurú Rimpoché
15 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos. Asala: Primer sermón de Buda (theravada)
20 Nacimiento de Gurú Rimpoché
25 Día de Dakinis
30 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
3  Cho kor Düchen (mahayana-tibetana) Primer sermón de Buda
8  Día de Gurú Rimpoché
13 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos
24 Día de Dakinis
29 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos. Aniversario de Gampopa
7  66è aniversario de S.S. Sakya Trizin.  Día de Gurú Rimpoché
12 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos
22 Día de Dakinis
27 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
6  Día de Gurú Rimpoché
12 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos. Kathina: Fin de la reclusión monacal de les lluvias (theravada)
22 Día de Dakinis
26 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
5  Día de Gurú Rimpoché
10 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos
17 Lha Bab Düchen
18 Aniversario de la Soka Gakkai
20 Día de Dakinis
25 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
4  Día de Gurú Rimpoché
8  Bodhi: Despertar del Buda (mahayana)
10 Luna Llena. Día de preceptos
20 Aniversario de Sakya Pandita. Día de Dakinis
24 Luna nueva. Día de preceptos
24 Aniversario de Dudjom Rimpoché.


frikaans Geseende Kerfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Alemán * Froehliche Weihnachten und ein gluckliches Neues Jahr!
Wuatsambaaa frelama satsamole und gluclotiches nehuestsete jahard
Alemán de Pennsylvania En frehlicher Grischtdaag unen hallich Nei Yaahr!
Amharic Melkam Yelidet Beaal
Andalucía * Felises fiestas pa' tos y felis año nuevo compares, ele la grasia quillo
"Felí Navidá o Felí Año" o "Felize Pascua" *
Felí Navïá y próspero Año Nuevo
Arabe I'D Miilad Said ous Sana Saida
Aragonés *
  1. Feliz Nadal e Buena Añada.
  2. Buen Nadal e Buen Año.
  3. Buen Nadal e Buena Añada.
  4. Goyosas Fiestas Nabidals y Buen Cabo d'Año
Aranés Bon Nadau e Erós An Nau
Armenio Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand
Azeri Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun
Bengalí Shuvo Baro Din - Shuvo Nabo Barsho
Bable ó Asturiano * Felices navidaes y prosperu añu nuevu*
Bretón Nedeleg laouen na bloav ezh mat
Bulgaro Vasel Koleda; Tchesti nova godina!
Catalán * Bon Nadal i Feliç Any Nou
Cantonés * Seng Dan Fai Lok, Sang Nian Fai Lok
Checo Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok
Choctaw Yukpa, Nitak Hollo Chito
Coreano Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Cornish Nadelik looan na looan blethen noweth
Crazanian Rot Yikji Dol La Roo
Cree Mitho Makosi Kesikansi
Creek Afvcke Nettvcakorakko
Croata Sretan Bozic
Danés Glaedelig Jul
Duri Christmas-e- Shoma Mobarak
Dutch Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
Egipto Colo sana wintom tiebeen
Esquimales Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo!
  1. Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo.
  2. Paz en la Tierra a los hombres de buena voluntad.
  3. Felices Fiestas.
  4. Felices Pascuas y Feliz Año Nuevo.
  5. Felisaño (Venezuela)
Eslovaco* Veselé Vianoce a šťastný nový rok.
Esloveno Vesele bozicne praznike in srecno novo leto.
Euskera (vasco) Zorionak eta Urte Berri On! / Felicidades y próspero año nuevo
Gabon zoriontsuak / Feliz navidad
Gabon zoriontsuak eta Urte Berri On / Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo
Gabon zoriontsuak eta ondo izan / Feliz Navidad y que vaya bien
Inglés Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Season's Greetings.
Esperanto Gajan Kristnaskon
Estonia Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi
Euskera Zorionak eta Urte Berri On
Faeroese Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar!
Farsi Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad
Finlandés Hyvää Joulua or Hauskaa Joulua
Flamenco Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar
Francés * Joyeux Noël et bonne année!
Frisio Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier!
Galés Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.
Galo Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ur!
Gallego * Bo Nadal e Feliz AniNovo.
Bo Nadal e Prospero AniNovo.
Griego Kala Christougenna Kieftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos.
Guaraní Vy'apave heñói (Feliz Navidad)
Vy'apave ary pyahu (Feliz año nuevo)
TEREVY´AITE ARETÉPE (Felices fiestas)
Hausa Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara!
Hawaiano Mele Kalikimaka & Hauoli Makahiki Hou.
Hebreo Mo'adim Lesimkha.
Shana Tova.
Hindú Shub Naya Baras.
Holandés  Zalig Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar. (Feliz Navidad y un Próspero Año Nuevo)
Húngaro Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket és Boldog Új Évet! (=Felizes fiestas!)
Boldog Karácsonyt! (=Feliz Navidad!)
Boldog Új Évet Kívánok! (=Feliz Año Nuevo!) abreviado: BÚÉK
Islandia Gledileg Jol og Farsaelt Komandi ar!
Iraquí Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah.
Irlandés Nollaig Shona Dhuit.
Italiano Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo.
Pace e salute (Córcega)
Japonés Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto.
Jèrriais Bouan Noué et Bouanne Année.
Jiberish Mithag Crithagsigathmithags.
Krio Appi Krismes en Appi Niu Yaa.
Latín Natale hilare et Annum Nuovo!
Latvia Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus un Laimi'gu Jauno Gadu!
Lausitzian o Sorbio *
(dialecto eslavo de una región alemana)
Wjesole Hody a Strowe Nowe Leto!
Lituano Linksmu Kaledu
Low Saxon
(dialecto alemán)
Heughliche Winachten un 'n moi Nijaar
Schéi Chrëschtdeeg a Vill Gléck am Neie Joer   (Envía Roland Hoferlin)
Macedonian Streken Bozhik
Selamat Hari Natal
Malayalam Puthuvalsara Aashamsakal
Maltese Nixtieklek Milied tajjeb u is-sena t-tabja!
Mandarín* Sheng Dan Kuai Le!(¡Feliz Navidad!)
Xin Nian Hao! o Xin Nian Kuai Le!(Feliz año nuevo!)
Manx Nollick ghennal as blein vie noa
Maorí Meri Kirihimete.
Marathi Shub Naya Varsh.
Mongol Zul saryn bolon shine ony mend devshuulye.
Norwegian God Jul og Godt Nyttår.
Occitan Polit nadal e bona annada.
Oriya Sukhamaya christmass ebang khusibhara naba barsa.
Papiamento Bon Pasco.
Papua Nueva Guinea Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas na Nupela yia i go long yu.
Pashto De Christmas akhtar de bakhtawar au newai kal de mubarak sha.
Polaco Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku
Portugués Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo (1)
Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo (2)
Feliz Natal (3)
Punjabi Nave sal di mubaraka.
Pushto Christmas Aao Ne-way Kaal Mo Mobarak Sha.
Rapa-Nui Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua.
Rhetian Bellas festas da nadal e bun onn.
Romanche Legreivlas fiastas da Nadal e bien niev onn!
Rumanian * "Craciun Fericit si un An Nou Fericit!"*Hristos s-a Nascut si Anul Nou Fericit.
Ruso Pozdravlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novium Godom.
Sami Buorrit Juovllat
Samoano La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou.
Bonu nadale e prosperu annu nou.
Scots Gaelic Nollaig chridheil huibh.
Serbio Hristos se rodi.
Serbio-Croata Sretam Bozic. Vesela Nova Godina.
Shanghainés Xin Ni Ho!
(Sri Lanka)
Subha nath thalak Vewa. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa.
Somalí Ciid wanaagsan iyo sanad cusub oo fiican.
Sorbio o Lausitzian *
(dialecto eslavo de una región alemana)
Wjesole Hody a Strowe Nowe Leto!
Sueco God Jul och Gott Nytt År.
Sudanés Wilujeng Natal Sareng Warsa Enggal.
Swahili Krismas Njema Na Heri Za Mwaka Mpya.
Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon.
Tamil Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal.
Tailandés Suksan Wan Christmas lae Sawadee Pee Mai.
Tok Pisin
Meri Krismas & Hepi Nu Yia.
Tongo Kilisimasi Fiefia & Ta'u fo'ou monu ia.
Trukeese Neekirissimas annim oo iyer seefe feyiyeech!
Turco Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun.
Ucraniano Veseloho Vam Rizdva i Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku!
Urdu Naya Saal Mubarak Ho.
Vasco Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!
Valenciano * Bon nadal i feliç any nou!
Vietnamita Chuc Mung Giang Sinh - Chuc Mung Tan Nien.
Xhosa Siniqwenelela Ikrisimesi EmnandI Nonyaka Omtsha Ozele Iintsikelelo Namathamsanqa.
Yayeya Krisema.
Yoruba E ku odun, e hu iye' dun!
Yugoslavo Cestitamo Bozic.
Zulú Sinifesela Ukhisimusi Omuhle Nonyaka Omusha Onempumele

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

* Entrevista a S.S. Karmapa antes del Monlam

An Interview with the Gyalwang Karmapa November 29th, 2010

Members of the Kagyu Monlam Reporting Team met with His Holiness in his quarters at Tergar Monastery, Bodh Gaya to ask about this year’s Kagyu Monlam. Questions were collected beforehand from all sections of the team, and the interview was conducted in Tibetan. His Holiness’ busy schedule meant that his time to answer questions was limited, but we are deeply grateful that he made the time to meet with us.

Q. What is the theme for this year’s Monlam?

The principal theme of the 28th Kagyu Monlam is 'The Well-being of the World', which means the physical world and all sentient beings. Why? In 2010 there have been many natural disasters, particularly the earthquake in Jyekundo, Tibet, likewise the landslide in Drugchu, and the flash floods in Ladakh, India. Owing to these natural disasters there has been a great loss of life. This Monlam is planned to be of benefit for those who lost their lives, the survivors, and those who have lost loved ones and family members, that they may cast off their sufferings quickly. We will unite to pray for them during this Monlam that they may be able to rebuild happy lives for themselves.

Q. Why are special long life prayers to be offered for three senior lamas this year?

Nine hundred years have passed since the birth of the first in the Karmapa lineage, Dusum Khyenpa, and as a part of our commemoration of that anniversary, during the course of the Kagyu Monlam, we will offer a long-life puja to Thrangu Rinpoche, Dorlob Tenga Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso Rinpoche. These three senior lamas within the Karma Kagyu, whose achievements on behalf of the Dharma and of sentient beings have been great, have now become advanced in years. The performance of a long-life puja, which combines sutra and tantra, is a means of supplication that the three may continue to live long in order to continue their activities, for the sake of the teachings and of sentient beings.

Q. What is the purpose of the Akshobhya Retreat and Ritual? What is the importance of Akshobhya in general and in particular?

We usually hold the Mitrugpa [Akshobhya] Mandala Ritual and the Fire Puja for the sake of the deceased. This year, unlike previous years, we will be performing the Akshobhya Purification Ritual every evening for six days during the Monlam, until the seventh evening, when we will perform the Akshobhya Purification Fire Ritual. The reason is that, as I have mentioned earlier, this year many people have died because of natural disasters which occurred around the world, especially Jyekundo, Drugchu and Ladakh, so for their sakes we are performing the fire ritual in a more extensive way.

Generally, in Tantra, in terms of authentic deity practice, first you do the nyenpa [recitation] and then the drupa [the practice]. The nyenpa can be calculated in terms of time as at least a week, and forms a kind of introduction, and, we are doing the practice in this way bearing in mind the benefit of the deceased.

Lord Buddha praised Buddha Mitrugpa as supreme for purifying karmic obscurations, and this is that very Mitrugpa. In the world at the present time, in the twenty-first century, due to the power of evil activity, because of human thought and conduct, compounded by modern technology, the force of the action of our karma is extremely powerful, and the strength of negative has become much greater than the positive. So, at this time, when negative forces are increasing, I think the time has come for us to engage in the practice of the Ritual of Akshobhya, if we are able.

Q. What does it mean when people say that the Gyalwang Karmapa is an emanation of Akshobhya Buddha?

In general, in Tantra, where the flower lands indicates the Buddha family, so the Karmapa belongs to this vajra family [of Akshobhya]. Hence the Karmapas wear a dark blue crown on their heads when engaging in enlightened activities [dark blue is the colour associated with Buddha Akshobhya]. Some people also say that the Karmapa is an emanation of Mitrugpa, so this tradition does exist, but in general, the Karmapa, and the lamas of the Dagpo Kagyu, not just the Karma Kagyu, belong to this vajra family.

Q. What are the designs and themes of the butter sculptures this year?

This year they are in connection with the Karmapa 900 commemoration, thus in the torma [butter sculptures] we have representations of eight previous Karmapa incarnations, from the First Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa, to the Eighth Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje.

As last year, in the centre there are deeds of the Buddha, drawn from the Avadana [accounts of past life deeds]. Similarly, there are eight worldly protectors – the four great deities and the Four Great Kings –who guard the virtuous activities of Buddhist practitioners, and, more broadly, not just of Buddhist practitioners, but of other virtuous beings too. Since we are now living in India, in a sense this is a way of showing our respect to the Hindu gods of India, and since they are gods who protect all virtuous, positive beings, and since they were praised by Buddha as well, this is the reason for us to make torma of them in particular this year.

Q. What is the design of the Main Entrance Gate this year?

I have nothing particular to say about the main entrance gate. Although there was no special tradition of making welcoming gates in Tibet, this practice came about in India and we are following that custom. The main purpose for which this gate has been made is not simply to have a splendid, beautiful welcoming gate but for the inner meaning, the blessings. We have affixed important dharani mantras to the gate so that it serves two functions as people pass back and forth underneath. Its blessings purify particular obscurations, and also assist in the two accumulations [of wisdom and merit]. As Lord Buddha said in Sutra, and trusting in his words, we have attached these special dharani mantras. This is what we did last year and we are doing the same this year.

Q. Dusum Khyenpa founded the Tibetan incarnate lama system. What is a trulku?

In the Mahayana sutras and commentaries three kayas [the three different bodies of a Buddha] are presented; the dharmakaya, sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya [trulku in Tibetan]. In order to engage in activities for the sake of sentient beings, Buddhas come in the form of the sambhogakaya for bodhisattva disciples with pure karma, and, similarly, in the form of the supreme nirmanakaya for ordinary disciples. But what we speak of in Tibetan as a trulku is somewhat different. Holy beings, whose prayers have the power to be accomplished, after making prayers for the aims of the teachings and other sentient beings, having in mind the aims of their disciples and heart disciples, take rebirth again and again. This is not strictly what we are speaking about when we talk of the trulku in the three kaya presentation of the sambhogakaya, nirmanakaya and dharmakaya. Rather they are bodhisattvas, with the power to accomplish their prayers, who also take rebirth thinking of sentient beings, their own disciples and heart disciples. And we speak of these as trulkus.

Q. In looking at Dusum Khyenpa’s life, what is it that stands out for Your Holiness?

In my way of thinking about it, the first Gyalwang Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa was not just immensely kind himself but also a source of kindness. For example, in the case of water, there can be a spring, but the spring can also be the source of a river, I feel it’s rather like that. For 900 years both the Karma Kagyu and all the activities of the Kagyu lineage that stem from that, arose based on him and on his kindness. So this kindness of his was not just kindness but a source of kindness. He was the most important seed. That being the case, not only do we in the Karma Kamtsang need to recollect that kindness, but moreover all practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism too. For example, the practice of recognising trulkus originated in the Kagyu of Dusum Khyenpa. Therefore, Dusum Khyenpa’s coming into the world is significant for the teachings of Buddhism in all of Tibet. I believe him to be an important source.

Q. What is the importance of lineage? How does the lineage stay alive?

Since this is a century of invention, people do not pay particular attention to lineage; they make inventions based on the power of their own intelligence. That’s the sort of century this is. However, we live in and are part of the world. For many tens of thousands of years, we and our ancestors have been interacting with the natural environment and human society underwent many changes, so, as a consequence, humans developed many intellectual skills and wisdom. These are things which we must study and know about it. Among them in particular, in the 21st century, although there has been great improvement in material things, we are losing our inner happiness. The distance between us and the environment is increasing and, as our lives become busier, it is more difficult for us to take the essence from them. As we have become further and further separated from nature, a great deal of harm has been done to the environment. Based on that, there is a need for us to again bring to mind the intelligence of our ancestors. We need to study them and be able to establish sincere, inter-personal connections, as they did for many tens of thousands of years. Similarly, we need such connections between humans and their environment.

Particularly in the case of the reincarnation lineage of the Gyalwang Karmapas, it’s a lineage not just in words but in meaning. In addition, if we ourselves are to uphold the wisdom of Mahamudra and the unfettered great compassion in individual minds, we must generate and cultivate them in our own beings, continually making efforts to do this and increase enlightened activities. It will only be possible for the lineage to remain if we do so. Otherwise, if we uphold the lineage only in words and in the practise of rituals, there is the danger that the lineage will decline.

A comment on the teachings: Jowo Atisha's " Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment"

The teachings this year are meant for the Himalayan peoples, many of whom have been Buddhist for generations, and several people had the idea that it would be good to organise teachings for them before the Monlam. So it was agreed that we would do that this year. However, no special announcement or special provisions were made. Therefore, whoever comes may attend, whether foreigner or Himalayan, and it will be a teaching for everyone.

The reason for teaching Lamp for the Path this year is that generally Tibetans and Himalayan peoples practise Tibetan Buddhism, and among Tibetan Buddhists there are many distinct practices of Buddha dharma according to the common vehicle, the Mahayana and the Vajrayana. There is a sequence in which these are all to be practised. It is not just that we practise according to whether our capacity is greater or lesser. It is not good to practise higher tantra before we reach the appropriate level. Therefore, the incomparable Lord Atisha established a gradual path for three types of beings that is the way to practice in accordance with mental level and mental capacity.
The need to proceed in accordance with these stages is something that all practitioners definitely need to know. Moreover, this is an extremely crucial point for those who are practising all three vehicles together. Therefore, I thought it would be good to speak about it. In particular, Tibetan Buddhism has spread and is now practised throughout the world, and there are some who do not pay attention to this issue of mental level–whether they have reached the necessary level or not– and there are also many who are not aware of the situation, so I thought I would do this in order to encourage them.

Q. Why was the The King of Aspirations: the Noble Aspiration for Excellent Conduct chosen for the teaching during Monlam?

At the time when the previous Bokar Rinpoche presided over the Kagyu Monlam, having restablished it in Bodhgaya, it was primarily a recitation of Samantabhadra’s The King of Aspirations: the Noble Aspiration for Excellent Conduct [Sangchos Monlam], and this prayer was emphasised. From then until now, Kagyu Monlam has always included the recitation of this prayer every year. Since we concluded the teachings on the Life of Milarepa last year, it seemed that it would be very appropriate for this year’s Monlam to have teachings on the Sangchos Monlam, and therefore there will be a brief commentary on it.

Q. Could you say a little about the ‘speaking statue’ of Dusum Khyenpa?

The speaking statue of Dusum Khyenpa is normally kept in Bagyö Rinpoche’s monastery in Kollegal, South India. In connection with the Karmapa 900 celebrations we will be inviting it as the principal sacred image, and at the same time we will be treating it as the main sacred object during Kagyu Monlam. There is no detailed history of this object, but it is extremely precious and, having spoken on many occasions, has many blessings. There’s a plan to invite this statue not only during this Monlam but all around the world, whenever Monlam or Karmapa 900 celebrations are being held. Therefore, we have invited the glorious Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa and this is a very special object that has attained blessings of body speech and mind for all, without discrimination.

Q. Do you have a message for all those attending, listening, or volunteering at the 28th Kagyu Monlam?

We call this the Kagyu Aspiration Prayer [Monlam] and that is its meaning. I believe that it is a great activity , accomplished by bringing together in one place the wishes, hopes, aspirations and enthusiasm of many people. For this reason the volunteers of Kagyu Monlam and the many people who join the assembly, as well as those who watch from afar over the Internet, all directly and indirectly, in many different ways, express their hopes, wishes and aspirations, and only then does it become a real Kagyu Monlam.

Based on that, I think that probably this is able to influence peace in the world. Therefore, without them, there would be no Kagyu Monlam. Recollecting their kindness, I have the hope of being able to continue holding this vast Dharma celebration of Kagyu Monlam every year, and for it to become even more meaningful in future, for it to have a richer meaning, and for it to increase without degenerating. Based on all of you, I have the hope that all sentient beings may attain the joy of Dharma, and glorious, wholesome happiness. Similarly, I live in the hope that all sentient beings will share in the happiness and joy of the noble taste of Dharma.

TRADUCCION AL CASTELLANO http://www.samye.es/barcelona/noticias/karmapa-blog/entrevista-a-s-s-karmapa-antes-del-monlam/

oracion de larga vida para Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche

con mis mayores respetos, admiracion , y agradecimiento

Long-Life Prayers for Tenga Rinpoche
Here you find a collection of Long-Life prayers for Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche.

Email your representative to free Burma's political prisoners

Dear Mike,

Please call your representative to co-sponsor H. RES. 1768, calling for the release of all political prisoners in Burma.

Good news! Last week, Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL), along with sixteen other Representatives introduced a resolution calling for the release of all political prisoners in Burma.  He said, "I was pleased by the release of Aung San Suu Kyi last month from Burma's military regime and strongly urge her release to be permanent and unconditional.  This is a step towards democratic progress, but there is still much more that needs to be done."

While welcoming Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's release, the resolution also calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Burma.  Congressman Hastings stated, "We must not rejoice.  Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has called on all world leaders to stay focused on the plight of each one of the millions of Burmese struggling against the military rule, on the over two thousand two hundred political prisoners suffering unjustly in Burmese prisons, and the thousands of women and children being systematically raped and taken as sex slaves and porters for the military whose rule they suffer under."

We would like to urge you to email your Representative to please raise their voice and co-sponsor H. RES. 1768, calling for the release of all prisoners of conscience, to stand firmly in solidarity with Aung San Suu Kyi and the millions people of Burma who are still suffering at the hands of Burma's military regime.

In Gratitude and Solidarity,

Support 1991 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi and the struggle for freedom and democracy in Burma: