His Holiness the Karmapa to Travel to Varanasi;
Expresses Gratitude to Indian Government
February 23, 2011. Dharamsala

Karmapa Office of Administration is deeply grateful to the Indian government for its confidence in His Holiness the Karmapa. Most specifically, we thank the government for kindly approving His Holiness’ travel plans to Varanasi, via Bodhgaya, for his winter retreat and spring teaching of 2011.
His Holiness the Karmapa also expressed his own personal gratitude. “Varanasi is the site of the very first Dharma teaching by Lord Buddha, and also an ancient cradle of Sanskrit culture and learning,” His Holiness said. “This makes it a particularly sacred place for Buddhists. As a follower of Buddha’s teachings and of the Kagyu lineage that springs directly from the sacred ground of India, I feel that such opportunities to visit these sites give great meaning to my life. I am very much looking forward to sharing the Dharma with Dharma friends in Varanasi.”
During his stay in Varanasi, His Holiness the Karmapa is scheduled to confer four days of Dharma teachings, which will be webcast live from March 9 – 12. He will also participate in several other religious ceremonies during his stay.
The annual spring teachings will be held at Vajra Vidya Institute in Sarnath, UP, and made available live over the Internet. In consideration of His Holiness the Karmapa’s wide international audience, the Dharma talks will be translated into English, Hindi, German, Chinese, Spanish and Polish. The webcast will be available at http://www.karmapa-teachings.org.
The Karmapa Office of Administration also wishes to thank the Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New Delhi for all their support.
Spokespersons for the Karmapa Office of Administration
Karma Topden
Former Indian Ambassador and Former MP
Adviser to Karmapa Office of Administration
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