el 29 de marzo es el cumpleaños occidental de
Kyabje Khamtrul Rinpoche Jigme Pema Nyinjadh, el Presidente 2 DE LA CAF. Únase a nosotros en enviarle saludos de cumpleaños a saludos aquí ...
Rinpoche, quien está en camino hacia Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam, para asistir como unos invitados de estados la celebración nacional que conmemora el aniversario de Avalokiteshvara. Envíe sus
Su Santidad que el Gyalwang Drukpa le escribió a un artículo maravilloso acerca de la celebración de cumpleaños de Rinpoche, uno de sus hijos espirituales favoritos......................
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYABJE KHAMTRUL RINPOCHE  29th March is the western birthday of Kyabje Khamtrul Rinpoche Jigme Pema Nyinjadh, the 2nd ADC Chairperson. Join us in sending birthday greetings to Rinpoche, who is on his way to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, to attend as a states guests the national celebration that commemorates the anniversary of Avalokiteshvara. Send your greetings here... His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa wrote a wonderful article about the birthday celebration of Rinpoche, one of his favorite spiritual sons. For details, click here... Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo's 70 nuns and 108 nuns from Druk Gawa Khilwa Ladakh chapters had arrived safely at Druk Amitabha Mountain on 24th, followed by Jetsunma herself who arrived 2 days later on 26th. We will be starting daily news reporting on the historical 800-nuns Drubpa ceremony and the 2nd ADC from 29th March 2010 onwards. More news on the way!! |
| COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE 1ST ANNUAL DRUKPA COUNCIL DVD 14 DVDS & 48 Hours This is a complete documented record of the First Annual Drukpa Council (ADC), the world's largest assembly of enlightened masters of the Drukpa Lineage. It will bring back great memories of the First ADC where more than 60 of our precious masters from India, Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet and more than 10,000 participants came together, to receive teachings and empowerments, to view 5 of the most precious relics in the world and to practice together with ONE wish in mind - to be enlightened for the benefit of all beings. AND... the cost of each set of 14 DVDs with 48 hours of viewing time is: US$34.99. Get your copy now... | More news on the way... | Tell your friends about us and let them be inspired too with the news of our beloved guru, his spiritual entourage and their activities. | |

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