This year on the 30th December, 2010, the Official Administration of Rumtek Seat organizes and conducts in Bodhgaya the 900 year anniversary celebration in memory of the first Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa. This celebration will be lead by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche, accompanied by many Rinpoches and monks. The main ceremony will start at 9am at the foot of the Mahabodhi stupa, where a special puja for receiving the blessing of Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa and the masters of the Kagyü Lineage will be performed.
In the evening, the Karmapa Monastery of Beru Khyentse Rinpoche (Karma Dhargye Chokhorling) will host a reception. This event will be opened by an inauguration speech by Shamar Rinpoche. As a guest speaker, the vice chancellor of Mangada University of Bodhgaya is invited. Professor Sempa Dorje will give a lecture on the life and accomplishments of the First Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa. And the conclusion speech will be held by the abbot of the monastery.
We are requesting at least three people of each Dharma center to attend the celebration an
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